Right Round ft. Ke$ha

Our new friends over at Round invited us out to do a special quiz show for their Friday bar last week and we were more than happy to help.

For every private quiz we do, we ask two questions in advance:

  1. Robots have taken over the world and outlawed work. What do you do in the new robot future?

  2. You are having a nightmare where you are taking a test. In the nightmare, what subject is that test on?

Most people mention ‘gardening’ and ‘hiking’ for Question 1, but a surprising number of Rounders(?) decided to take up arms against the robots to lead the resistance and help people who the robots would otherwise have forgotten. Their nightmare test in Question 2 was nearly uniformly about physics, so we refrained from asking them about centripetal motion. I for one support our robot and physics-free future.

That said, we subjected them to an international spelling bee, recitation of European children’s books, and tested their mechanical drafting skills with a drawn Top Five question. Team Mon and Pumbaa were dominant in first place (and may make an appearance at our weekly show by the lakes!), followed by the very topical Friyay in second place. They accepted their very real and very meaningful prizes (personal pride and free wine) with pride and collegiality.

Here’s the Round board for last week:

1 . Team Mon and Pumbaa 60
2 . Friyay 52
3 . Quiz Impact Ventures 43
4 . 7 Square 39

Looking to bring quiz to your Friday bar, private event, or summoning ritual? Let us know!


The Immortal Life of Morgan Freeman


I’m Thinking Dorsia