
These fine people invited us over to ask them questions.


Our first, our last, our everything.

A bar by the lakes in Copenhagen that’s open and welcoming for locals, foreigners, LGBTQ+, and everyone in between.


Brewery, bar, bottleshop, kitchen, experimental laboratory, old train factory, pop-up kitchen, pub quiz hosts.

Is there anything they can’t do?

ÅBEN Kødbyen

An architectural wonder in Copenhagen’s meatpacking district that let us ask questions on the brewery floor.

We think it makes their beer smarter.


A human-first, purpose-driven strategy consulting and investment company.

They’re the cool sort of people that like quiz at their Friday bars.


Event planners behind the European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conference.

They know a lot about Excel and World Cup goalkeepers.

BASE Life Science

The perfect combination of technology geeks and biotech wizards. They like hanging out and putting their knowledge to the test.


MS/ActionAid Denmark is a movement that fights for a more just and sustainable world.

We partnered with them and Søhesten for a special quiz during Copenhagen Climate Justice Days.


Sydney, Australia’s premier conference and event organizers.

They introduced us to a room of parasitologists who were a lot smarter than us.